When trying to edit an existing contact’s Monero address it says contact already exists. I have to rename the contact in order for it to work.
Hi, I tried to do this myself and couldn’t find any option to edit a contac’s name. When tapped on list, pop-up message with contact name and crypto address is on screen then a Cancel
and Copy
couple of buttons. What I believe you attempted to do on screenshot was trying to add a brand-new contact whose name is the same as one you have already created in the past, potentially creating a duplicate entry.
Temporarily, what you can do is still create the new contact but change the name even if it is just a letter, or a number.
I don’t see options to Edit
or Delete
contacts in Address book. Will ask about this.
You have press and hold and slide the contact to the left to edit it.
Thanks, I see and can reproduce the issue now. Will create a ticket for it and track accordingly. Expect a fix in the next release.