Node resiliency + auto fallback

Hi, adoption is growing with local markets. We have a concern about the node management in CakeWallet :
The node seems always the selected default for all new app downloads :

  • could the node be randomly selected between the 6+ nodes list please ? :slight_smile:

  • could you add a 2nd .onion nodes into default list for the new downloaded apps ?

  • Important : could you add an auto-fallback node function, so that a newbie keeps being synchronized even if Feds come for ?

(Maybe a popup to ask after some down time, and even ask for Tor activation ? To be discussed)

Bonus : show a “remaining time” instead/aside the “remaining block sync” text, in the top progress bar : newbies don’t really know what a block is, so rarely opened wallet become easier to understand

Thanks by advance, always greatful for your work ! :slight_smile:


Great suggestions!

We actually already have this approach to nodes as an internal WIP item, where we’ll natively randomly select between trusted nodes (with a user still having the ability to edit/add/remove nodes, of course), similar to that seen in Feather.

For the sync status – we also have this as a WIP item with some internal test builds, hope to roll it out shortly and give muchc more useful information in the sync bubble :slight_smile:


Thanks this is great news, looking forward to testing it and showing how resilient CW is :slight_smile:

  1. Would it be possible to have a demo button hidden (only for those who knows, and who canvass) when mnemonic words are displayed, so we don’t have to write down each time when simply doing a demo in front of a merchant ?
    This is a major obstacle to canvassing !

  2. Other remarks, for Desktop Windows :

  • In 1.0.0 version, we were able to get 24 mnemonic words when creating a Bitcoin wallet. This is great and important to get the most brute force resistance, when using Shamir/partial copies manually stored especially
  • In 1.1.0 version, when creating a “New seed” (no “group seed”), it is now only 12 mnemonic words : how come please ? Would it be possible to go to 24 by default ?

maybe it should be explained the pros/cons between “Group” vs “New” seed. Risk of theft, risk of losing the seed etc…

  1. Important : when trying to download Windows .exe file, people get lost in Github and don’t know what to chose
  • now we get Brave/Chrome virus alert and downloaded .exe file is autodeleted every time ! > maybe with a .msi, or a .zip, or another method ?

Thanks by advance

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  1. Will definitely consider this, but the concern would always be that people would discover it and skip seed verification and then complain when they lose funds… But will think on how this can be done, it’s a great recommendation!

  2. Cake support both 12 and 24 word seeds, with 12 being the default because they’re just as secure as 24 word seeds and far easier to store/restore. You can learn more in a post I wrote for Foundation here:

If you still want to use a 24 word seed, you can select that option in the Advanced settings drop down when creating a wallet.

  1. Unfortunately there is very little we can do about this, but will investigate as well.
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